quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012

Comissões de 0%

Muitas vezes vemos publicidade dos bancos a anunciarem um determinado serviço sem cobrar qualquer comissão. Infelizmente nem sempre é assim tão transparente, pois as comissões vêm disfarçadas no meio da "factura".
A propósito de comissões houve um inglês que resolveu entalar o seu banco, confrontando-o com as comissões cobradas no câmbio entre moedas. Vale a pena ler o texto a seguir, mesmo estando em inglês:

Me: So if I send £1000 to France, what would I get in Euros?
Floyds: The rate would be 1.234 so you would get €1,234.
Me: And how much of that is your profit?
Floyds: None. We don’t take a fee at all.
Me: But the Mid-Market rate is around 1.29 today. So I should get €1,290
Floyds: We set our rates at the start of the day, and we don’t take a profit.
Me: You “set” your rate? What does that mean? Do you just make it up?
Floyds: No, but we only set them once a day, based on the mid-market rate at the time.
Me: Right. But you are making a profit margin on a rate of 1.234. At no point today has the interbank been 1.234.
Floyds: I don’t have access to that data. I’m just given the daily rate.
Me: Right. Ok. So what if I were to send £100,000 instead.
Floyds: You would get a rate of 1.256, so €125,600. Again, there’s no fee.
Me: But that’s a different rate to the one you gave me to £1,000…. I thought you said there was one rate for the day, based on the real interbank rate.
Floyds: There’s one rate for each size band. And larger sizes have a better rate.
Me: So let’s just get this straight. You aren’t making any profit on the rate of 1.234, correct?
Floyds. Correct.
Me: But you are able to give me a better rate of 1.256 if I transfer more.
Floyds: Correct.
Me: But how can 2 different rates be making you no profit and be based on the interbank rate, there’s only one interbank rate at any point in time.
Floyds: I’m not sure I understand. Could you repeat the question?
Me: I’m not at all surprised. Thanks for your time.

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